Are you afraid your web site could get hacked? You should be.
It's an unfortunant fact in the technology age that sharing data can leave you open to exploitation. One not-so-small issue associated with privacy, security and the internet deals with keeping your web site clean and secure. Hacking has made big news in recent years with big businesses from Sony to Target to Home Depot being targeted. Many small business owners don''t realize how big the risk for hacking is for their own business. I often hear from small business owners, "Why Would Anyone Target Me?" or "It's Can't Really Be That Big of a Problem." The scarey truth is that even if your business is not specifically targeted their are opportunists just looking for web sites that have not been properly maintained by their owner.
So what can you do to protect yourself? Well if your web site was built, maintained and hosted with Waves Web Design we have done a lot of the groundwork for you but there are additional steps you can and should take to supplement the measures we have in place.